Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Kita Abang Adek

When an old man across the Tebrau Straits made some controversial remarks about Malaysia and Indonesia, almost immediately the whole Malaysian Cabinet came out and blasted this poor old man, causing him to eventually say "sorry" over his remarks.

Later, when the annual haze from our friendly neighbour Indonesia attacked Malaysia ONCE AGAIN, I don't see anyone from the Cabinet commenting on the issue, although haze is obviously more hazardous than an old man's words. I heard Oppositions shouting; I heard Bar Council suggesting ways of seeking compensation from the Indons; I heard NGOs and Environmental Organizations mourning and condemning; but I heard not even one word or action from the Malaysian Government. In the past, when Malaya tried to grab Sabah and Sarawak, and the abuse of Indon Maids becomes serious in Malaysia, Indonesia never hesitated to launch attacks and confrontations towards us; but when it's the other way round, Malaysia always remains calm and silence. I wonder why. Do we owe them a lot of money til we can't even make any complaint? Good for you Indons, that's the best part of being Abang Adek, isn't it?

Perhaps the worries of the old man that Singapore as a little red spot being surrounded by the Malay dominated nations are true after all?

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